Phytoceramides For Wrinkle Reduction

Phytoceramides: All Hype Or Something Special?

Lately there has been a lot of hype about using phytoceramides to reverse the process of aging. The supplements are being widely marketed on the internet and on a popular TV show hosted by Dr. Oz. The pill, which is supposed to make you look younger and wrinkle-free in a matter of few weeks, has gotten plenty of people very excited and thrilled. Exactly what is this wonder product?

Origin Of Phytoceramides

Phytoceramides For Wrinkle Reduction: A ReviewPhytoceramides are plant-based ceramides produced from extracts of wheat, rice, bran and sweet potatoes. The fat-based cells are found in abundance in younger skin. Ceramide is basically a natural moisturizer with an antibiotic effect. As human body age, the waxy, youthful lipids are lost little by little each year making skin susceptible to wrinkles, dehydration, dark spots, infections and discolored patches.

In such inevitable situations, Phytoceramides can come handy. The modern dietary supplements claim to revitalize the skin and keep it healthy and youthful.

Common Ingredients In Phytoceramide Supplements

Most common ingredients found in phytoceramide Supplements are:

  • Phytoceramide Complex
  • Gelatin
  • Rice Bran Oil (non-GMO)
  • Rosemary Extract
  • Plant Sterols

Some manufacturers add vitamins to enhance the outcome. Following vitamins are added:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E

Recommended Designated Dose Of PhytoceramidePhytoceramides For Wrinkle Reduction: A Review

Phytoceramide supplements are available liquid capsule form. According to manufacturers and healthcare practitioners, a person should take 350 mg capsule once a day at least thirty minutes before mealtime.

Even though the drug has been cleared by Food Administration and Drugs (FDA), very little research has been done on phytoceramides. Till date, no side effects of phytoceramide have been reported. Its ingredients are considered non-toxic and safe to consume.


  • If you happen to be gluten-tolerant, avoid wheat based phytoceramide supplements at all costs. For gluten-sensitive people, supplements made from rice and sweet potatoes are recommended.
  • Precaution should be taken by pregnant women and nursing mothers.

What Is The Cost Of Phytoceramides?

Although Phytoceramides are not exactly cost-effective, their price is very reasonable if you compare it with other anti-aging products. Obviously, the price will be different for high and low quality products. Moreover, bulk orders are a lot cheaper. Occasionally, many online stores feature discounts and coupons.

Do The Manufacturers Of Phytoceramides Offer Refund?

Right now, very few companies are offering 100% money-back guarantee. In order to be sure about the refund policy, it is better to ask the manufacturer before ordering the supplements.

Will Phytoceramides Improve Your Skin?

To be honest, it has become somewhat of a trend among people to rely on supplements for instant results. If we put mechanism of action into consideration, Phytocermaides do posses a potential to revivify the skin. However, it is not wise to expect spectacular results in a short time. Phytocermaide, like any other drug, will take its time to work, and its effectiveness can depend upon different factors. If you have been taking the supplements on a regular basis, you will most likely notice a visible improvement in your skin, nails and hair.

Phytoceramides: Origins and Ingredient Contents

Where Do Phytoceramides Come From?

Phytoceramide is a type of ceramide manufactured from plant sources. One of the main elements that keep our skin youthful is ceramide. It is moisture locking waxy lipid molecule composed of a sphingoid connected to a fatty acid. Present in high concentration in cell membranes, ceramides are mostly found in the outermost layer (sratum corneum) of the epidermis. They protect the skin against UV radiations, pollutants, infections by blocking the ingress of microorganisms, preventing the evaporation of water and by stimulating the production of collagen. Not only they are necessary for the freshness of skin, they are of great importance to help maintain healthy looking hair and nails as well. However, with every passing year, there is a marked reduction of ceramides in the body leading to loss of youthful appearance and formation of wrinkles.

Phytoceramides are taken orally to recharge the skin with ceramides. Plant-based ceramides are also found naturally in foodstuff such as rice, wheat, brand, sweet potatoes, soy and spinach. A healthy diet along with regular intake of dietary supplement can greatly improve your look.

Ingredients Of Phytoceramides And How Do They Help You

Phytoceramide supplements has the following elements:

  • Phytoceramide Complex (produced from wheat extract and gluten-free rice and sweet potato extracts)
  • Gelatin
  • A Review of Phytoceramides and its IngredientsRice Bran Oil (non-GMO)
  • Rosemary Extract
  • Plant Sterols
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E

Food Administration and Drugs (FDA) has carefully inquired into the ingredients and after close inspection, they reached the conclusion that the supplements are safe and non-toxic.

Ingredients such as plant sterols and phytoceramide complex (produced from wheat extract and gluten-free rice and sweet potato extracts) are the main and active parts of the supplements. When taken orally on a regular basis, they penetrate deep into the skin and try to replenish the source of ceramides.

Although vitamins are not a major part of the pills, their inclusion can boost the reaction. Additionally, vitamins have a positive effect on hair, nails and overall health of a person.

How Much Phytoceramide Should You Take In A Day?

In oral form, a single 350 mg capsule once a day is recommended. The liquid capsule can be taken with a glass of water about half an hour before meal.

Are There Any Side Effects Of Phytoceramide?

A Review of Phytoceramides and its IngredientsIf taken in a recommended dose, phytoceramide supplements are very safe with no adverse reactions. Individuals who are gluten-intolerant should take rice or sweet potato based pills instead of wheat-based ones. Due to a lack of study, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers should avoid the drug.

Price Of Phytoceramides

Phytoceramides are moderately priced. Their prices rise and drop according to the popularity, quality, quantity and company.

Is There Any Guarantee?

Other than a couple of companies, none of the manufacturers are offering money-back guarantee.

Conclusion – Is Phytoceramide Safe To Use?

According to FDA and several studies, the ingredients found in phytoceramide supplements are regarded safe for consumption. However, it is too early to say if they are really as effectual as they claim to be.

Turn Back the Clock with Phytoceramides

Can You Reverse The Aging Process With Phytoceramides?

Phytoceramides are the most sought after pills in the skincare industry right now. Last month, when Dr. Mehmet Oz, a renowned health expert, television personality and cardiothoracic surgeon, discussed the wonders of phytoceramides on his daytime television show, the dietary supplement became all the rage. Not everyone can afford and wants plastic surgery. How, then, can you get back the youthfulness and freshness of your face? According to several scientific researchers and clinical trials, phytoceramides have the capability to restore the skin.

Turn Back the Clock with Phytoceramides - A ReviewPhytoceramides are plant-made dietary supplements that reload the skin with ceramides. Aging causes a rapid exhaustion of ceramides reserves in skin and as a result, it becomes vulnerable to wrinkles, lines, bags, dehydration, sagging, dark spots and even infections. Phytoceramides, unlike other synthetic ceramides, are produced from oil extracts of plants such as sweet potatoes, rice, bran and wheat.

The lipids found in these plant extracts are very similar to natural ceramides present in the epidermis of skin, and have the ability to imitate their mechanism of action. They moisturize the skin and prevent formation of wrinkles. The oral supplements are supposed to greatly improve the condition of skin over the course of few weeks.

Most Common Ingredients Used In Phytoceramides Supplements

Most manufactures add the following ingredients in the phytoceramides supplements:

  • Turn Back the Clock with Phytoceramides - A ReviewPhytoceramide Complex (wheat, rice, bran or sweet potato oil extracts)
  • Gelatin
  • Rice Bran Oil
  • Rosemary Extract
  • Plant Sterols
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E

Vitamins are not the key components of the pills, but they are known to increase the effectiveness of phytoceramides.

Recommended Dose Of Phytoceramides

The daily dose of phytoceramides pills should not exceed 350 milligram. A liquid capsule is to be taken once a day prior to mealtime.

Side Effects Of Phytoceramide Pills

Turn Back the Clock with Phytoceramides - A ReviewPhytoceramide supplements were closely scrutinized by Food Administration and Drugs (FDA) before its clearance. There have been no reports of adverse effects till date. Gluten-intolerant individuals should completely avoid the wheat-based pills. They can take 100% wheat-free supplements made from sweet-potatoes and rice instead. Expecting and lactating women are cautioned against taking the drug.

Cost Of Phytoceramide Supplements

The prices of phytoceramide supplements change with time. As the supplements are enjoying a surge in popularity these days, the prices are high. However, you will be able to find moderately priced brands, great discounts and ‘buy one, get one free’ deals on online stores.

Does Phytoceramide Offer A Refund?

Very few diet pill companies offer a full reimbursement. Most manufactures of phytoceramides are following the same rule.

Make The Most Of Phytoceramide Supplements

Despite the fact that we have limited data to validate the effectiveness of phytoceramides, the nature and properties of plant-based lipids cast a positive light on the supplements. A regular dose of 350 milligrams once daily will most likely yield good results within a few weeks or months. Some doctors advise adding topical vitamin C to your skincare regimen. Vitamin c and phytoceramide supplements will work synergistically and the end result will be prominent and noticeable.

Information on Phytoceramides

Why Are Phytoceramides So Popular?

If you keep up with the latest skin care products, then you wouldn’t have missed phytoceramides and all the hype surrounding them. Although there is a wide range of skin care and anti-aging products, none of the products claim to reverse the skin completely to its younger state by replenishing its original contents. Claiming to recharge the exhausted supply of ceramides in skin, the nutritional supplements hold big promise. They mimic the actions of ceramides and restore the tone and balance of skin by locking moisture, acting as a barrier against bacteria and by triggering the production of collagen. While we very much doubt that they will completely reverse the aging process, we can safely assume that they have an ability to perk up the skin and protect it from various age-related problems.

Key Ingredients Found In Phytoceramides Supplements

Most phytoceramides supplements have the following the key ingredients:

  • Phytoceramide Complex (wheat, rice, bran or sweet potato oil extracts)
  • Gelatin
  • Rice Bran Oil
  • Rosemary Extract
  • Plant Sterols
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E

Designated Dose And Administration Of Phytoceramides

Phytoceramides are taken orally in a liquid capsule form once a day before meal. Each capsule contains 350 milligram of phytoceramide.

Are Phytoceramides Safe To Consume?

Food Administration and Drugs (FDA) have declared phytoceramides to be absolutely safe. The pills have only one risk factor; wheat-based supplement can cause an allergic reaction in gluten-intolerant individuals. For such cases, wheat-free pills produced from sweet potatoes and rice are available. Furthermore, the supplements are contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation due to lack of clinical data.

Cost Of Phytoceramide Supplements

Phytoceramide supplements are reasonably priced if you compare their cost to other ceramide-containing skincare products. Many companies are currently offering free shipping, amazing discounts and good deals online.

Phytoceramides And Money-Back Policy

Except for a couple of companies, none of the manufacturers have mentioned anything about a refund.

What To Expect From Phytoceramides?

First of all, let’s list out its advantages:

  • Information on PhytoceramidesThe nutritional supplements can help renew and freshen up aged and tired skin by retaining moisture and guarding it against dryness, dark spots, bags under eyes and lines.
  • They can prevent acne and other infections due to their anti-bacterial properties.
  • They are used to treat skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis and other inflammatory conditions affecting skin.
  • Another benefit that not many people know of is that phytoceramides nourish hair and nails and make them stronger.
  • They do not have any disadvantages and side effects; so there is no harm in trying.

Overall, all these properties will end up making your face rejuvenated, soft and smooth. Obviously, the results won’t show up immediately. It may take a few weeks, and even a month or two, for the drug to make any real difference. According to a number of dermatologists and health experts, applying topical vitamin C along with taking oral phtyoceramides enhances and fastens the effects. If you want the pills to work their magic, you will have to be patient and continue the regular intake.

Phytoceramides: A Review

Phytoceramides: A Review of New Plant-Based Anti-Aging Ceramides

Before we launch into the benefits of Phytoceramides, let’s talk about its origin and basic properties. Phytoceramides pills are generally new to the market, and plenty of people don’t have a clue about them. So exactly what are they? Phytoceramides belongs to a family of waxy lipid molecules called Ceramides. Ceramides are found in high concentrations in cell membranes, especially in the epidermis of skin. They are basically God-sent molecules that prevent excessive loss of water through evaporation and entry of micro-organisms. They keep our skin naturally glowy, fresh and smooth. Sadly, all good things come to an end. Ceramides tend to decrease as we age, and as a result we lose the younger and plumper look.Phytoceramides: A Review of New Plant-Based Anti-Aging Ceramides

People have been using Ceramides for a very long time. There are numerous creams, ointments, hair products, supplements and food that contain the rejuvenating lipid. However, they are all derived animal sources. Phytoceramides are exclusive in a way that they come from purely non-animal sources. They are produced by extracts of vegetables and crops such as sweet potatoes, wheat and rice.

A short time ago, FDA approved the use of Phytoceramides as a dietary supplement. As FDA has given it clearance, we can deduce that the pill is safe to use. The question is if the pills really have the ability to slow down and reverse the aging process? Let’s find out.

What are the Common Ingredients in Phytoceramide Supplements?

Phytoceramide Supplements contain a number of quality ingredients, such as:

  • Phytoceramide Complex – Most commonly produced from wheat. Gluten free pills are made from rice, bran or sweet potatoes.
  • Gelatin
  • Rice Bran Oil (non-GMO)Phytoceramides: A Review of New Plant-Based Anti-Aging Ceramides
  • Rosemary Extract
  • Plant Sterols

Some manufacturers also add:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E

What is the Recommended Dose of Phytoceramides?

Phytoceramides are available in liquid capsule form. Take one 350 mg capsule 30 minutes before meal once a day or as recommended by a healthcare practitioner.

Do Phytoceramides Have Any Side Effects?

Phytoceramide Supplements are plant-based and show little or no side effects. They might be risky in certain conditions though. If you are gluten-intolerant, then you must keep away from wheat-based supplements to avoid any severe allergic reaction. Instead, you can take rice or sweet potato ones. Moreover, studies regarding its safety in pregnancy and nursing are negligible. It’s recommended that you pass up phytoceramides if you are expecting or breastfeeding.

What’s the Price of Phytoceramides?

Phytoceramides: A Review of New Plant-Based Anti-Aging CeramidesPrices differ from product to product. Phytoceramide supplements are rather inexpensive as compared to anti-aging creams. Many manufacturers are currently offering coupons and great discounts on their online stores. Beware of phony markets that are spamming all over the internet.

What’s the Guarantee That Phytoceramides will Work?

Phytoceramides supplement is not a wonder product and there is no guarantee that it will totally reverse the anti-aging effect. I checked Amazon stores and found out that some brands do offer 100% money-back guarantee. Please keep in mind that it takes at least 6 weeks for results to show up.

My Takeaway on Phytoceramides

Before we come to the conclusion, let’s weigh the pros and cons of Phytoceramides. They are cheap, plant-based, long lasting, safe and user-friendly. With time they will certainly help in the revivification of skin, control acne and reduce blemishes and redness. On the other hand, there is little research to validate its accuracy. On the whole, we can’t deny that Phytocermaides are far better and safer than expensive chemical-laden skin care products. As the pills are kind of new in the market, very few people have heard about them. I think once the word gets out of their advantages, people will show more interest.