Generational Skin Disorders

Generational Skin Disorders

Many of us are lucky to inherit good traits from our elders – athleticism, good hair, straight teeth, intelligence. Sometimes, though, we are not as fortunate and end up taking some of the bad traits as well. Among these are skin disorders. Sometimes the disorders are not as serious and can be treated and controlled. Other times, they are serious and end up being a detriment and risk to our connective tissues, cutaneous tissues, or even worse our neurological system.


A very famous condition, as it steals all the color from it’s host with little to no skin pigmentation, albinism has two different types. In both types, you may notice almost transparent hair, skin, or irises that appear red. In the first type of this disorder there is a defect in the overall production of melanin. In type 2, the person may have a little bit more color as the defect comes with the “P” gene and not with melanin directly.

Ichthyosis VulgarisGenerational Skin Disorders

This is one of the most common skin disorder. It is accompanied by severely dry, itchy skin that may in turn end up thickening more so than normal. This occurs mostly around the legs, but can sometimes spread to the arms, abdomen, or hands.

This disorder usually proves to interrupt in the winter, and sometimes disappears for large periods of time in adulthood. Therefore, it has rarely caused any major health issues, often resolving itself on its own.

Incontinentia Pigmenti

This disorder can be very dangerous as it is a neuro-cutaneous disorder. This mean that it affects the brain. It can also be seen in symptoms centered around the teeth, skin, eyes, skeleton and, more dangerously, the central nervous system. The skin symptoms are caused by an overproduction of melanin. This can be seen through spots on the skin or a wave-like texture. Though you may notice the skin symptoms disappearing, the neurological effects remain over time, making it a constant risk factor for the victim.

Xeroderma Pigmentosa

Generational Skin DisordersOf the lesser-known disorders is this one. It causes the skin covering the retina to be particularly sensitive to UV light. This can also happen on the skin causing symptoms alike to those with someone who sat in the sun for two long. This means there is a higher chance to get sunburned, skin flaking, discoloration and painful scaling and consequential oozing.

Ectodermal Dysplasia

This disorder is caused by multiple defects in the victim’s genes. It can sometimes be easily noticed as the person may have a noticeably large forehead and low nasal bridge. It can affect most areas of the body,coming with a plethora of symptoms. They include thin skin, thin hair, missing hair or teeth, decreased production of tears, hearing issues, and a strong and foul smelling nasal discharge.

Ehlers-Danlos Conditions

This disorder targets the vessels in the blood, connective tissues, and joints. All six of the conditions that come with this disorder are very rare. The most common of the six is the hypermobility, which can cause symptoms of heart-valve issues, severe and early-onset arthritis, hyper-extension of joints, easy bruising, and extremely soft skin.


Other disorders can cause tumors to grow on nerves, subsequently causing skin and bone anomalies. Benign tumors can also grow on the brain, as seen with the condition Tuberous sclerosis causing seizures, mental retardation, and behavioral disorders.

Phytoceramides: What You Need To Know

Phytoceramides: What You Need To Know

For a more formal definition, Wiki cites:

“Ceramides are a family of waxy lipid molecules. A ceramide is composed of sphingosine and a fatty acid. Ceramides are found in high concentrations within the cell membrane of cells. Ceramide is one of the main components of the epidermis layer of human skin. Together with cholesterol and saturated fatty acids, ceramide creates a water-impermeable, protective organ to prevent excessive water loss due to evaporation.” 

As the prefix “phyto” translates to plant, and as the suffix “ceramides” is the lipid your skin needs- it speaks for itself.

Phytoceramides: What You Need To KnowIn simpler terms, it is a waxy fat that creates a protective barrier for your skin, while hydrating and plumping it up at the same time. It is everything you ever need in one package, and something that most people have never heard of.

Unfortunately, life’s process causes us to lose these crucial lipids from our system, but in adding these to our daily regimen, we can slow down and even reverse the supposed inevitable. In supplementing them to your diet, you can avoid dry, flaky and painful skin, while avoiding the skin condition known as dermatitis. For cosmetic benefits, as aforementioned, you will avoid those pesky wrinkles.

Why you should be taking it now:

Historically, they are known as anti-aging pills, having been used for centuries up until it was recently approved by the FDA. Here is why-

  1. Reduces skin from sagging
  2. Prevents damage from soaking up the sun
  3. Moisturizes your skin from the inside out
  4. Prevents and fixes wrinkles caused by dry skin

Luckily, these four things are what older adults worry about on a daily basis. Why not make your life easier with the gulp of a pill?

Do they work?Phytoceramides: What You Need To Know

Ah, the most important question. Are they really effective? As you should be, it is common for the vast majority of people to be skeptical. This is even more common when anti-aging creams are put into play, as they have failed mercilessly while draining your wallet. Here is the good (and very honest) news:

Yes. They are very effective. The trick is in not expecting to see results overnight. Like many other brands claim to work quickly, it is proven that this does not do that. But, if you stay persistent in taking the pills, you will see results in about thirty days.

The recommended dose is 350mg once per day. Even better news, this is supported by doctors and the FDA. Professionals have also suggested a little tip to speed up the anti-aging process. Pair up your phytoceramides with vitamin C. Opposite to what is suggested of the phytoceramides, you should apply the vitamin C topically, as it has been proven to work much more effectively.

Is it safe?

As it is approved by the FDA, you can (beauty) sleep soundly knowing you are safe with this supplement! So anti-age away my friends!

If you are allergic to gluten: find a supplement that doesn’t use wheat. In other words, find the ones that are based with rice or call your doctor and discuss another supplement. 

Vitamin Deficiencies & Skin Disorders

Vitamin Deficiencies that Lead to Skin Disorders

The skin’s condition is often an outside indicator of the overall health. Luckily, yet unfortunately at the same time, a lack of vitamins in your system usually exposes itself through the condition of your skin. Though this is evident, the exact vitamin you lack may be unclear as many of the deficiencies cause the same symptoms. This is why it is helpful to see a doctor or nutritionist to decide which course of action is best to take in improving your overall health through ingesting vitamins.

You can always add supplemental pills to your daily routine. But, if you are a person who would prefer getting it through your natural diet, there are plenty of foods you can add that would suffice. Having knowledge of the following information and a professional opinion you can get down to the bottom of what is causing your skin to misbehave.

Vitamin A

Vitamin Deficiencies that Lead to Skin DisordersAs Vitamin A is a vitamin high in lipids or fats. A lack of it can cause skin disorders akin to psoriasis or acne. This means that the person would experience problems related to flaky, dry skin, or skin that is sensitive to breakouts.

More critically, Vitamin A insufficiency can cause serious ocular problems. This can happen first if the cornea becomes excessively dry. This causes tissues within the eye to thicken. Thus, the cornea becomes hazy, making the vision of the person more blurry. Ultimately erosion can damage the cornea badly enough to where blindness occurs without a corneal transplant.

Stock on up some carrots, sweet potatoes or squash if you feel your vitamin A is not A-OK.

Vitamins B6 and B12

While vitamin B6 is found in many foods, a deficiency can easily be caused by disorders in which the person can’t absorb nutrients adequately. More commonly, the deficiency can be caused by alcoholism or an interaction with certain medications. A B6 deficient person will experience inflamed skin accompanied by a dry, greasy, and scaly rash. A vitamin B-6 deficiency may also come with a swollen, red tongue or painful cracks in the corner of the mouth.

B-12 deficiency causes skin disorders such as hyper-pigmentation, especially on the hands and feet. In an article published in “Neurology India” 2005, lead author S. Aaron of Christian Medical College reported that 41 percent of people with vitamin B1-2 deficiency had skin or changes in mucous. Though rare for disorders, a lack of B-12 comes with a painful combination of these symptoms, so it is important to see a doctor if you notice any of these changes.

Adding bananas and yogurt to your pantry will add these two vitamins to your diet. Also, the lesser known roast beef is helpful if you are don’t want to nix your B12 or B6.

Vitamins B2, B3 and Folic Acid

A deficiency of vitamin B-2 can cause cracks around the lips and the corners of the mouth. Furthermore, it can create a painful tongue burning sensation as well as soreness. Without enough B2, you may experience a painful, greasy rash.

Vitamin Deficiencies that Lead to Skin DisordersB3, which is more commonly known as niacin, is responsible for keeping the skin healthy, hydrated and protected. With a lack of this key vitamin, you may develop pellagra. Though it is not common in the United States, it is possible to develop this rare skin disorder. You would want to avoid that as it is accompanied by scaly, cracked and dry skin as well as canker sores and a burning sensation that leaves the tongue red and swollen.

Folic acid, which is less commonly known as another B-complex vitamin, can also cause inflammation of the tongue, called glossitis, and mouth ulcers. These three vitamins overall are responsible for the upkeep of a healthy, clean mouth and strong, hydrated skin, so it is imminent that you keep a balanced intake of them.

Cook up some of those asparagus, spinach and peas to up your folic acid, B2 and B3s!

Vitamin C

The word scurvy is associated with pirates, and with good reason. For those who set out to sea for an extended period of time, scurvy is unfortunately popular. With a limited supply of nutrients, sailors would run out of vitamin C in their systems. As DermNet NZ reports, it normally takes around three months of very low or no vitamin C intake to develop scurvy.Scurvy shows itself through discolored bruises on the skin. They are usually maroon and center around hair follicles, where the hair itself takes on a mangled corkscrew-like form. It is also common for the bruises to meld together to form larger bruises.Vitamin C is arguably one of the more important nutrients to retain. As an antioxidant it strengthens the immune system, allowing it to fight off many sicknesses and secondhand disorder. With a lack of it, you open your body to a host of scary and unpleasant illnesses.
Vitamin C puts the C in citrus. You can find more of this in your diet through oranges, juices and tasty strawberries.

An Introduction to Phytoceramides

An Introduction To Phytoceramides

Phytoceramides have been making a lot of buzz in the skincare industry lately. Promising to reverse the aging effects on skin, the plant-based ceramides have been labeled ‘miraculous’. Most of us get excited when we hear about a new dietary supplement and its numerous benefits. However, behind all the excitement, there are lots of doubts as well. It is okay to be apprehensive about new drugs and medicament. If you are planning to take phytoceramide, then you should be aware of its pros and cons and properties.

Where Do Phytoceramides Come From?

Phytoceramides are plant-based ceramides supplements taken to prevent the aging of skin. Now you must be wondering what ceramides are. Ceramides are waxy lipid molecules made up of sphingosine and fatty acid. They are largely present in our epidermal layer of skin. Even though we are not aware of it, they do wonders on our faces. They are the reason our skin doesn’t get dehydrated and wrinkly. Ceramides keep the skin smooth and plump by preventing the loss of moisture and acting as a barrier against microorganisms. As we get older, there is a considerable decrease in the number of ceramides which is why our skin gets dry and lined. When our body doesn’t nourish us with ceramides, we turn to synthetic products. Ceramides are typically available in anti-aging cream form.

While they are effective, they are often very expensive or not good enough in quality. Furthermore, most of them are formed from bovine sources. Phytoceramides are not only inexpensive; they are derived from crops and plants.

A Review of Phytoceramides and its Amazing Anti-Aging EffectsWhat Do Phytoceramides Contain?

Common ingredients used in phytoceramide supplements are:

  • Phytoceramide Complex
  • Gelatin
  • Rice Bran Oil
  • Rosemary Extract
  • Plant Sterols
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E

Phytoceramide Complex is usually derived from wheat, but for gluten-intolerant people gluten-free supplements made from rice and sweet potatoes are available.

How Much Phytoceramides Are You Supposed To Take?

You can take 350 milligram liquid capsule per day preferably half an hour before meal.

A Review of Phytoceramides and its Amazing Anti-Aging EffectsAdverse Effects Of Phytoceramides

Now that you know a little about Phytoceramides, let’s discuss their side effects. Funnily enough, there are hardly any adverse reactions caused by phytoceramides. The supplements have been cleared by Food Administration and Drugs (FDA). They do not contain any toxic substance that can cause harm to the body. Only risks associated with Phytoceramides can occur in people with gluten-sensitivity. In this case, supplements made from wheat should not be taken at all. Pills produced from rice and sweet-potato extracts are good alternatives.

Due to lack of research, Phytoceramides are not advised in pregnancy and breastfeeding.

How Much Does It Cost To Buy Phytoceramides?

They don’t have a fixed price, but if you compare the current prices of supplements with anti-aging creams, Phytoceramides are quite cheap.

Are Manufacturers Offering Any Guarantee?

Only a handful of companies are offering compensation right now.

Should You Take Phytoceramides?

I suggest that you give Phytoceramides a try. They don’t have any negative effects and they are derived from vegan sources. Although clinical trials are insufficient in number, the pills do have the ability to restore skin and prevent further damage.

Phytoceramides For Wrinkle Reduction

Phytoceramides: All Hype Or Something Special?

Lately there has been a lot of hype about using phytoceramides to reverse the process of aging. The supplements are being widely marketed on the internet and on a popular TV show hosted by Dr. Oz. The pill, which is supposed to make you look younger and wrinkle-free in a matter of few weeks, has gotten plenty of people very excited and thrilled. Exactly what is this wonder product?

Origin Of Phytoceramides

Phytoceramides For Wrinkle Reduction: A ReviewPhytoceramides are plant-based ceramides produced from extracts of wheat, rice, bran and sweet potatoes. The fat-based cells are found in abundance in younger skin. Ceramide is basically a natural moisturizer with an antibiotic effect. As human body age, the waxy, youthful lipids are lost little by little each year making skin susceptible to wrinkles, dehydration, dark spots, infections and discolored patches.

In such inevitable situations, Phytoceramides can come handy. The modern dietary supplements claim to revitalize the skin and keep it healthy and youthful.

Common Ingredients In Phytoceramide Supplements

Most common ingredients found in phytoceramide Supplements are:

  • Phytoceramide Complex
  • Gelatin
  • Rice Bran Oil (non-GMO)
  • Rosemary Extract
  • Plant Sterols

Some manufacturers add vitamins to enhance the outcome. Following vitamins are added:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E

Recommended Designated Dose Of PhytoceramidePhytoceramides For Wrinkle Reduction: A Review

Phytoceramide supplements are available liquid capsule form. According to manufacturers and healthcare practitioners, a person should take 350 mg capsule once a day at least thirty minutes before mealtime.

Even though the drug has been cleared by Food Administration and Drugs (FDA), very little research has been done on phytoceramides. Till date, no side effects of phytoceramide have been reported. Its ingredients are considered non-toxic and safe to consume.


  • If you happen to be gluten-tolerant, avoid wheat based phytoceramide supplements at all costs. For gluten-sensitive people, supplements made from rice and sweet potatoes are recommended.
  • Precaution should be taken by pregnant women and nursing mothers.

What Is The Cost Of Phytoceramides?

Although Phytoceramides are not exactly cost-effective, their price is very reasonable if you compare it with other anti-aging products. Obviously, the price will be different for high and low quality products. Moreover, bulk orders are a lot cheaper. Occasionally, many online stores feature discounts and coupons.

Do The Manufacturers Of Phytoceramides Offer Refund?

Right now, very few companies are offering 100% money-back guarantee. In order to be sure about the refund policy, it is better to ask the manufacturer before ordering the supplements.

Will Phytoceramides Improve Your Skin?

To be honest, it has become somewhat of a trend among people to rely on supplements for instant results. If we put mechanism of action into consideration, Phytocermaides do posses a potential to revivify the skin. However, it is not wise to expect spectacular results in a short time. Phytocermaide, like any other drug, will take its time to work, and its effectiveness can depend upon different factors. If you have been taking the supplements on a regular basis, you will most likely notice a visible improvement in your skin, nails and hair.